

Dockerize Bookstore System

The bookstore project is not officially finished, so a lot of changes might happen. Github link for the entire project will be available after the project is concluded. 0. Why? As a wealth of components are being added to my bookstore system, it is growing increasingly complex, putting forward a few problems. Multiple middlewares and databases clutter up local storage, with configuration files, log files, data files scattered all over the place.

Microservice: First attempt

This article records my first attempt with mircro-service using Netflix Eureka as service register and discovery center, and Spring cloud Gateway as the API gateway. P.S. It’s so dumb that our instructor asked us to use Zuul as the gateway component, which has been deprecated since Spring Boot 2. 1. Service discovery A distributed system typically comprises a large number of services which communicate with each other to perform certain operations.

Web Service : First attempt

This article records my first attempt with web service in course SE3353. 1. SOAP SOAP is an XML-based application-level protocol for accessing web services. It is normally sent on HTTP, but could be sent over SMTP or even FTP. Anatomy of SOAP protocol 1.1. SOAP vs REST They are not mutual-exclusive. Detailed comparison 2. WSDL WSDL, or Web Service Description Language, is an XML based definition language. It’s used for describing the functionality of a SOAP based web service, some important ones being: